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2023 Goals


Traditionally, I am not big on making new year's resolutions. I feel that they set me up for failure, and I don't want to do that to myself. With that said, I mentioned in my last post that I bought a new type of planner this year. This planner puts a big emphasis on goal-setting, and envisioning your future life as a way to figure out what goals you need to set and tasks needed in order to create that life.

So this year, I have actually made a list of goals for myself both personally and with regards to Running with Scissors. It was eye-opening as far as the process goes; starting by digging deep to figure out what motivates me, what I really want, and then figuring out how to achieve that by breaking it into smaller (trackable) goals and tasks. I won't go into every little detail, but I will mention just a few of the things I am planning, as it relates to the business.

I've already mentioned this one in last week's post, but again; I will be blogging more often this year. Not daily, but the goal is to post something at least once per week. Not any specific day, just trying to make the website more relevant, and give folks a peek behind the curtain, if you will.

One of the bigger goals for the year is to get myself off of the Etsy platform. I am not wild about their financial policies, and as a customer, I find it excruciatingly difficult to download patterns from their app. As part of this goal, I need to update this site, including taking higher quality photos of my items. So I am looking into finding a class on digital photography - specifically geared towards using my phone camera to it's highest potential. in addition, I will also be updating all the links from my Ravelry shop to point to this site, before I can close the Etsy shop for good.

One final goal that I didn't actually write down in the planner yet, is to expand my social media presence. I have Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok - but really only interact on Facebook right now. I added my first TikTok video a few days ago (I literally know almost nothing about it, but it was fun to try to piece together a VERY basic video clip). Look for more this year, as I acquaint myself with the process.

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