For Christmas music, that is? My daughter is a strict after Thanksgiving listener, but I am more fluid. I love Christmas music - and wouldn't be bothered one bit if I heard one in July. I probably wouldn't listen 24/7 in July, but one or two songs - sure, what the heck?

(Note the jacket thrown under the tree. My husband's idea of wrapping gifts) 🙄
We have a local station that switches to full-time Christmas music starting in early November (it used to be Thanksgiving week, but it gets earlier every year). It boggles my mind at how often songs are repeated on this station! If you listen longer than 2 hours, you are sure to hear the same songs, in the same order, over and over again, for almost 2 months! It would drive me insane!
Instead, I've curated a Christmas playlist on Amazon Music with all sorts of different Christmas songs (don't get me going on genres - to me, Christmas IS the genre!), and I play it on my phone whenever I can. I am up to about 150 songs, which gives me a pretty long stretch before I hear repeats. It really makes any type of work much more tolerable!
What music are you listening to while you work or craft? My all-time favorite Christmas song just ended: Old Toy Trains by Roger Miller. If you have sons (little or big), this song will get you in the feels! When I hear it, I can't help but picture many a Christmas Eve night with little boys, and the excitement in their faces. Give it a listen if you have a few minutes.
If you have a favorite, let me know! I'm always on the hunt for new songs to add to the list. I'm sure there are plenty I'm missing!